
The Transparency in Learning and Teaching Project invites participation from all institutions of higher education in the US and abroad. The TILT Project's activities include:

  • Workshops for instructors, student-facing staff, administrators, educational developers, and students to advance student success and teaching efficacy.
  • Planning sessions for administrators and educational developers at postsecondary institutions and regional educational consortia revising curricula, policies, and practices to improve students' success, skill development, persistence, and completion.
  • Research and publications that help educators to gather, share and promptly benefit from data about students' learning by coordinating their efforts across disciplines, institutions and countries.
  • Instructional development programs, institutes, and consultations.
  • TILT-focused communities of practice.

A partial list of TILT Professional Development Opportunities is here .

To get involved, explore the materials on the TILT Examples & Resources webpage, and/or contact Dr. Mary-Ann Winkelmes at